Jetzt Lehrstelle finden!


In order to bring the power of (geared) motors to bear, a wide range of couplings, pulleys, sprockets, tensioning elements etc. is available from your MOLL-MOTOR contact.


A top supplier in the field of couplings is the company FLENDER, the large delivery portfolio includes torsionally rigid tooth couplings, torsionally rigid all-steel couplings, flexible couplings, highly flexible couplings and fluid couplings. As a close partner of Flender, we can drill flexible couplings to the desired diameter ourselves, or supply ready-drilled couplings from stock. We look forward to your enquiry!

Call us at
+43 2266 63421-0

or drop a line via

Detailed information can be found in our Download Area

Service Hotline 0900 150060 (EUR 0,45/min)

available outside business hours (Austria only)